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General Information

The Graduate Program in Structural Engineering (PROPEEs) offers Master's and Doctorate degree courses taught at the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The Program aims to prepare highly qualified professionals and researchers in the structural engineering area with solid scientific and technological basis.

The success of the training provided by the Program can be observed in the placement of graduates in educational and research institutions and companies from the public and private sectors. The Program's research lines include components and structural systems studies, considering aspects of materials' behavior and their various applications. Other design and economic performance requirements, such as acoustics, ergonomics, modeling, and automation of processes, are also covered in research. Advanced numerical methods applied in the interfaces of Structural Engineering with several other science areas are important contributions of the research developed in the Program.

The Program faculty's expertise was achieved in renowned Brazilian and foreign universities.

Collaboration with the productive industrial sector is established through relevant partnerships, subsidizing infrastructure resources, and enabling lab sharing. Examples are the partnerships with Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais (USIMINAS - Minas Gerais Steelmaking Plants), the Centro Brasileiro da Construção em Aço (CBCA - Brazilian Steel Construction Center), linked to the Instituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia (IBS - Brazilian Institute of Steelmakers), Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes (V&M do Brasil), Centro de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN-CNEN - Nuclear Technology Development Center), CODEME, PRECON, PREMO, MAGNESITA, and EMBRAER.

To meet the needs of research projects, the Program counts on excellent laboratory infrastructure. Its Computational Mechanics Laboratory has an area of 200 m2, distributed in different environments. The Structural Analysis Laboratory occupies a built-up area of 1600 m2 and conducts full-scale tests on structures using various materials.

Nationwide, PROPEEs makes its presence felt through the participation of its faculty members on study committees for technical standards and scientific agreements with other research institutions and engineering companies. International partnership agreements with foreign universities and support for doctoral exchange programs are encouraged. As a result, the Program has welcomed students from different regions of Brazil and abroad.

The Program has Master's and Doctorate scholarships offered by the federal public research support agencies, CAPES and CNPq, and the state entity, FAPEMIG. Students who do not receive scholarships in the selection process may be awarded a grant at a later date, depending on their academic performance.

Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Escola de Engenharia - Bloco 1 - 4o andar, sala 4215, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte - MG - CEP 31270-901
Telefone +55 (31) 3409-1980

Parceiros Propees Capes Cnpq Fapemig Finep