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Research Themes

The research themes developed in the PROPEEs are associated with Structural Engineering. These themes are conducted in lines of research divided into two groups: A and B.

The two-group division aims to bring together the different student profiles. In group A, students come from an engineering degree background with solid training in Structures, such as Civil, Mechanical, Aeronautical, and Aerospace Engineering. Apart from researching Structural Engineering, these students must complete the core subjects compatible with their degree during the course. In group B, the students' profile differs from those in group A, and may include professionals with backgrounds in architecture, health, exact sciences, and computing. These students must take core subjects that enable them to achieve a minimum level of knowledge in Structures to contribute to research by interfacing with the other knowledge areas.

Group A

- Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures;
- Wooden Structures;
- Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Structures;
- Mechanics of Structures and Materials;
- Numerical and Computational Methods.

Group B

- Biomechanics;
- Numerical and Computational Methods;
- New Technologies and Methodologies for Engineering Teaching;
- Building Systems.

Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Escola de Engenharia - Bloco 1 - 4o andar, sala 4215, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte - MG - CEP 31270-901
Telefone +55 (31) 3409-1980

Parceiros Propees Capes Cnpq Fapemig Finep